Monday, September 27, 2010

20th Sunday after Pentecost

The purpose of this blog is to open a discussion of the lessons taken from the NRV reading for the week.  The readings for 20 Pentecost are Jeremiah 31:27-34; 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 1s8:1-8.  It seems to me that the Old Testament reading accomplishes at least 2 things.  First, it lets us know that God has not forsaken the Israelites and will restore their land.  It does tell us that God is a forgiving God who keeps his promises even though he will allow Babylonia to utterly destroy Judea and take the Jewish leadership into captivity.  It also foretells of a new Covenant that will be written in the hearts of man.  Is this a reference to Jesus who gives us a New Covenant?  I would like your comment on this.  

The Psalm for today tell us of the benefits of loving God's Law.  I wonder how the Psalm fits with the reading from Jeremiah?  Is it referring to to the Law as handed down to Moses or is it referring to the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah?  Your ideas?

I love the statement by Paul when he says "For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but have itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teacher to suit their own desires."  (Tim 4,3).  How true this is today, it seems that some church leaders want their congregations to believe the most outrageous behavior is acceptable.  I personally consider myself to be quite liberal and truly believe in an inclusive church, one that reaches out to all humankind regardless of race, national origin, sexual orientation etc.  But when a church leader preaches against one thing and practices that which is preached against then has the nerve to state that he is doing the work of God.  I wonder?  

At least the Gospel for this Sunday is rather straight forward in its telling us th pray constantly and have faith in the teachings of Christ Jesus.
