Ø Trinity Sunday is about the three persons as one God. This is a fact that is central to our Christian faith.
Ø If we look at the Gospel according to John we see that it opens with the words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Ø Jesus Christ is biblically said to be the Word so John is telling us that Jesus and God the Father are one and the same.
Ø The Nicene Creed states that “…I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.”
Ø A three person God is clearly stated and our faith leads us to believe this mystery.
Ø It is proper and fitting that Trinity Sunday includes the whole first chapter of our bible. It represents a nomadic tribe known as the Hebrews trying to make sense of a world that appeared to be a generally ordered world, but had some disastrous surprises.
Ø They attributed the natural world to a single God.
Ø The New Testament informed that there were three persons in that single God.
Ø Some of our Christian brothers believe that the earth was formed just as the bible says.
Ø In the Episcopal Church many biblical scholars hold that rather that this literal interpretation of creation the ancients were more akin to today’s scientist. Seeing what appeared to be an orderly world they felt that some one must have caused it to be the way it appeared. They reasoned that this person must have been God.
Ø The first chapter of Genesis is a statement of our belief that God created us. In Matthew 28 Jesus the Son tells us that we are to go forth and make disciples of all nations in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Ø Jesus is stating unequivocally that there is but one God but three persons within the Godhead.
Ø This is the very center of what it means to be a Christian. We are directed to a triune God. A God who is always with us in the three persons since the creation of the universe.
Ø The church has set aside the Sunday after Pentecost as a day in which we restate our belief in the three in One and the One in three as the God we believe in. God in all three aspects has been with us since before the big bang that science marks the beginning of our universe.
Ø The mystery of a three person God is something we must believe in and not even try to explain.
Ø We live our lives on our Island earth amid the unimaginable expanse of the universe. Let us be thankful for a loving and benevolent God who has seen fit to enjoy our brief time on our mote in God’s eye.