2011_04_20 - Jim Lanter - Picasa Web Albums
The above posting is a video composite of the our recent activities at St. John's Marlinton. The children are the 2nd 3rd and 4th grades of Marlinton Elementary School. The members of Pocahontas Episcopal Ministries had the egg dying extravaganza. The egg dying was the brain child of Thomas Clevenger. Sally Kirk Adkins was the story teller. The workers under the supervision of Tom Clevenger are, Cynthia Gurreri (artist in residence and chief egg designer), Martha Giddings, Joyce Lanter, Lorie Barns, Connie Zeitler (helpers). My job was the easiest: Greet the children, answer any of their questions about the church building and take photos of the activities.
All the people who were associated with the egg dying project selected the best egg by a student in each class. The eggs were judged on a combination of excellence in design, color and overall appeal. From the 7 winners three eggs were selected for a grand prize: one from the 4th grade, one from the 3rd grade and one from the 2nd grade. These prizes will be awarded at our Easter Egg hunt that will be held at 2:00PM Easter Day. The Egg Hunt will take place at Marlinton's Stillwell Park.