Friday, October 17, 2014

19th Sunday after Pentecost - October 19, 2014

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Proper 24; October 19, 2014

Those of you who know me understand that I am a believer in reading Sacred Scripture as real history; this means we have to understand the historical context of the reading.  This is especially true of today’s Gospel reading.
We are all familiar with the story of Christ being confronted by the Pharisees and Herodians and Jesus’ classic dictum to them to, “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”  To really understanding this story we must know a little history of what was transpiring in Palestine in the first century BCE. 
Devout Jews, felt that according the book of Deuteronomy homage to any but JWAY was blasphemy.  The Pharisees were the most conservative sect within the Jewish community and felt they alone could correctly interpret the Torah.  The Herodians on the other hand were followers of Herod Antipas and had allegiance to the devine Caesar and felt him to be a god.   
The Pharisees joining the Herodians in confronting Jesus was most peculiar to say the least.  Jesus must have presented both groups as a particular threat to their belief system.  Just how great a threat was indicated by the Pharisees inviting the heathen Heridians into the temple; a place so holy that only the ritually pure were allowed to enter.  What is even more evidence of the duplicity was the bringing of a denarius into the temple?  The denarius was a coin that had the likeness of Tiberius Caesar stamped on the face of the coin referring to him as august and divine, a deity.  The bringing such a blasphemous icon into the holy of holies was unheard of.          
Yet today’s Gospel tells us that this is what happened.  The reason for this unprecedented behavior lies in the threat to temporal powers that Jesus’ represented.   Christ upset the Pharisees by making the simple but earth shaking revelation that the fulfillment of the law as reveled in the Torah was, to love God with your whole being and love your neighbor as yourself.  The Herodians were threatened by the implication that Jesus was going to upset society by asserting that there was a God who was greater than the emperor.  Both groups saw Jesus as a threat to their belief system. 
Posing the question as to whether it was lawful to obey Roman law and pay taxes to a system that held that the human, Tiberius Caesar, was a living god – which was a clear transgression against the laws as delineated in the Torah Spefically the first and second commandments.  Or conversely was it lawful to disobey Roman law to withhold tax money which was demanded by Rome.  In effect they were putting Jesus in the position of no matter how he answered the question he was committing a crime punishable by death.   Imagine they were congratulating themselves on getting rid of a major social gadfly.
Jesus’ answer to them was a response that avoided the conflicting messages.  “Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God which is Gods.”  This is a way of saying that his followers, today’s Christians, must have a dual allegiance, to God and Government.  It is only when issues of morality place one in the position of having to make a choice between Gods will and government mandate.  The issue of taxes is in reality mute.  In all historical governments, including today’s, we all pay taxes because we understand it takes public money to pay for public works such as roads, police forces to protect the citizenry, as well as the many services mandated by the citizenry.  We may grumble but we pay the taxes.
The problem comes when we must make a moral judgment regarding the actions of government.  These are personal judgments and Christians will fall an all sides of any civil action that involves morality.  For instance what should the moral stance of our nation be toward the current crises in Iraq and Syria?  Or what should the government’s role be with role be on same sex marriage?  Should marijuana or other drugs be decriminalized?   Christians will differ on appropriate answers to questions such as these.  Jesus is telling us that we should be proactive in our governmental actions and accept the morality of the issues at stake.
Jesus’ instruction to us in his answer to the question posed by the Pharisees and Herodins is to be involved in governmental affairs and act in ways that are appropriate to our sense of morality.  It is important as we approach Election Day that we keep in mind Jesus lesson from today’s Gospel.  We can each in our own way express our understanding of what our government represents with respect to our understanding of the moral issues.


Monday, June 9, 2014

June 15, 2014 Church service

Next Sunday the service will be held at my home.  To reach my house go north on Rt 219 for approximately 6 mi from the Fiddle Head.  You will come to a bridge approximately 2 mi from the Randolph county line cross the bridge and about 300 yards you will see a white house with a green roof surrounded by a green fence; across from the house you will see a sign saying Woods Run.  Turn right to enter Woods Run and stay on the gravel road for approx. 1 mile we are the first house on your right after you take the right turn where the road forks you will know you are there when you see the For Sale sign placed there by RE/MAX  

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Churxh June 8, 2014

Church this Sunday will be at Maria McKelvey's residence.  To get there drive north from the SR 66 and US 219 (the Fiddle Head Restaurant) toward the village of Mace, about 1 & 1/2 miles south of the Randolph County line you will see a sign for Mingo Flats road.  Her home is the second house on the right.  See you at church Sunday.

Fr. Jim

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

June 1st Church service

Just a reminder to all that Sunday June 1st we will be meeting at tyhe home of Sally Atkin.  Her home is located on Mingo Flats Road 1 & 1/2 miles from the sign Mingo Flats which is located located approximately 2 Miles north of the village of Mace on route US 219.  You will know her home because it is a largew log house located on a hill on your left.

See you Sunday

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Churce Service May 25, 2014

The service this Sunday will be at Debbie Goodwin's home & office on State Route 66 At 10:00 AM, Sunday May 25, 2014.  Her home is located between Dr. Eiler's office and Jerry Holders offic e on Rt. 66.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sunday May 18, 2014

The service for Sunday May 18, 2014 will take place at Fr. Jim's home at 10:00 AM.  There will be a meeting of the vestry after the service.  To get to my home take Rt. 219 north for six miles from the junction of SR 66 and Rt. 219.  The corner where the Fiddle Head Restaurant is located.  After you cross the concrete bridge at the bottom on Mace Knob you will see a white house on your left.  On your right you will see a sign saying Wood's Run.  Turn right on the gravel road and drive approximately 1 mile, there will be two switch backs followed by the road splitting bear right the house with the stained cedar siding on your right is our house.

See you at church Sunday and God bless. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sunday April 27, 2014 Church service:

Sunday April 27, 2014 Church service:

The church service this Sunday April 27, 2014 will be at Marty's home at 10:00 AM.  She lives on Locust Glen Road; stay left to end of road, she lives at the end ofm the road, last house, on the right.

To get to Locust Glen road.  from Rt. 219 on State route 66 go toward Cass until the road turns left (sharp turn)  There will be a gravel road strait ahead, Locust Glen road is immediately to your right.  You will know you are on the correct road by the numerous pot holes.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Sunday Service

Easter Sunday service (April 20, 2013) will take place at St. John's Episcopal Church, Marlinton.  Located on 2nd Street across from Marlinton Elementary School and behind Mitchell Chevrolet.  The service will start at 10:00 AM 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday services April 13, 2013

Next Sunday's service (Palm Sunday) will take place at the home of Jim & Joyce Lanters.  The service will be at 10:00 AM.  They live at lot 12 Woods Run.  It can be reached by going about 2 miles past the town of Mace to a gravel road to the right (there is a large Woods Run sign at the entrance).  Go 1 mile up the gravel road ( there are two switch backs) wen you come to where the road makes a Y bear right and we are the first house on your right.  It has cedar siding and evergreen bushes in front.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Maria's home

Maria lives 1 mile past the Randolph County line and the village of Mace.  She lives on Mingoflats road 1/4 mile from its intersection with RT 219.

Spring 2014 Schedule for Protestant Services at Snowshoe

For Sunday April 6, 2014 the Protestant Service for Snowshoe Mountain will be at Maria McKelvies residence at 10:00 AM.  Locations for remaining Sundays will be announced on this Blog.  There will be a special Easter Service at St. John's for everyone from the Snowshoe/Marlinton area.  St. John's is located on 2nd St. Marlinton across from the public library.

Hope to see you at Church on Sunday.