Bullying is deservingly receiving much attention by the media and by lawmakers. Christianity is built on a foundation of respect for the rights of others. Christian inclusiveness states that infringement of the rights of others cannot be tolerated. Bullying is just such an infringement.. Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans that scrupulous adherence to one's belief to the detriment of others is not the way of Christianity. The bullies of the world see any threat to their own world view as proof of the victim's unworthiness. In a typically juvenile response to another's outsiderness is to make fun of that others' appearance, belief system, life style, race, religion, sexual orientation or country of origin.
A recent article in Time magazine make the point that today's technology has brought bullying to a new level. In the past few weeks cyber bullying has resulted in four teenage suicides. I applaud this Wednesday's movement to honer these recent deaths by wearing purple.
I invite a dialog centered on what we can do about this unnecessary loss of young lives.
I am going to pass out purple ribbons and a card with the names of the victims who died as a result of cyber-abuse. My hope is that we will learn to show love and compassion for all human beings. jcfl